Friday, October 26, 2012

Make LOVE not WAR

It's really easy to handle people as long you have boundaries with them. All kinds of people has it's own unique capablities in doing such things like good and bad. We really can't avoid having enemies even if how much are you going to avoid it you really can't. But every time I have one yes I get mad but I have never tried to put my hands on them... There was once but I prefer not to do it again. So now my remedy with those circumstances I just pray for them. Pray for them to realize what are they doing to others and at the same time curse them for being so bad. hahaha.. 

One of my famous mentor is M. K. Gandhi. I just love his messages to all kinds of people in the world. That's why maybe it made him famous with these facts. Yes I believe that I gotta conquer them with LOVE. I maybe such a forgiving kind of person but I will never forget everything that has happened. Life can be cruel but not all the time. It will always teach us how to learn with every mistake that we make. :)

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